Home / Call for Special Sessions
Special Session Organization is highly encouraged. The goal of these special sessions is to provide a forum for focused discussions on new topics or innovative applications of established approaches. A special session could address a particular theme or consist of work done in some particular international project. Sessions of similar topics may be proposed. Click for Current Special Sessions.  

Proposal Submission

  • Please submit your special session proposals (Template Download for Special Session Proposal) by email to the conference secretary at: . Proposals should include:
  • a. Special Session title
    b. A short description & covered topics
    c. Session organizer(s) and chair(s)

  • Each organized session should have a minimum of 6 papers. All submitted Special Session papers will be subject to the same peer-review process as for regular papers and will be included in the main conference proceedings. The Special Session paper submission deadline is the same as the regular paper submission deadline.
  • Only registered participant can be designated as a session chair to avoid no show onsite. The allocated presentation time for each paper is 15 minutes that includes the time for questions from the audience.
  • Accepted sessions will have their own tracks on the online submission system. The deadline for Proposal submission is April 10 2025, 12am AoE.

  • Organizers' Responsibility

  • Collect high-valued technical contributions by directly contacting the colleagues working in the proposed research field.
  • Remind your invitees to submit their papers directly to your session using the online submission process.
  • You are kindly requested to supervise the review of papers in your session.
  • Please remind the author to pre-register the papers in your session before you arrange the paper orders in your session(s), only registered paper will be scheduled in the program (to avoid no-show).