Home / Call for Papers


We are soliciting contributed technical papers, special session proposals, and tutorial proposals referring to the following topics of interest, but not limited to these fields and contents:

Power Systems
  • Power Generation
  • Power Transmission
  • Load and Demand Management
  • Power Market and Economics
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Generators, Transformers, and Electric Motors
  • Switchgear and Protection Relays
  • Line Protection and Grid Automation
  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Wind Power Technology
  • Solar Power Generation
  • Biomass Energy and Geothermal Energy
  • Energy Storage Systems
  • Motor and Drive Technologies
  • AC Motors and DC Motors
  • Brushless Motors and Stepper Motors
  • Motor Control Technologies and Smart Control
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
  • EMI and EMS
  • Electromagnetic Field Theory and Applications
  • Electrical Safety and Standards
  • Electrical Safety Design
  • National and International Electrical Standards
  • Smart Homes and Building Automation
  • Home Automation Devices and Control
  • Electrical System Integration and Management
  • Electrical Measurement and Monitoring
  • Electrical Parameter Measurement Techniques
  • Smart Meters and Monitoring Systems
  • Fault Detection and Diagnosis
  • Power Electronics
  • Rectifiers, Inverters, and Converters
  • Drive Circuit Design
  • Applications of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy
  • Smart Grid Technology
  • Distributed Energy Management
  • Grid Intelligence and Automation Technologies
  • Demand Response and Flexibility Resources

  • Submission

     Template Download (docx)  Template Download (latex)  Submit Your Paper
    • Regular Papers

      Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers in English on their research relevant to the conference topics and theme. Papers (regular length of up to 6 pages) with max 4 overlength pages (including paper title, authors and affiliations, figures, and references) for an extra fee. Submission of any manuscript that contains the redundant or duplicate publication of the same or very similar research work violates the policies of recommendation and publication will be rejected. Manuscripts should also not be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere.
    • Special Sessions Papers

      All submitted Special Session papers will be subject to the same peer-review process as for regular papers and will be included in the main conference proceedings. The Special Session paper submission deadline is the same as the regular paper submission deadline.
    • Abstracts

      If you only want to share and discuss your latest research with others at the conference, you can submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation. Authors must submit a 300-word abstract. Submission should clearly describe a technical problem, outline a solution, and provide some results. The abstract submission deadline is the same as the regular paper submission deadline. Acceptance or rejection will be notified within two weeks. <
    • Important Dates

      Paper Submission Deadline May 30, 2025
      Abstract Submission Deadline May 30, 2025
      Notification Date June 30, 2025
      Registration Deadline July 20, 2025
      Special Session Proposal Submission Deadline August 10, 2025
      Conference Date October 22-24, 2025

    • Reviewing Procedure

    • PEET conference submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review process by two reviewers. Reviewers are members of the conference's international Technical Committee of experts in fields specifically matching the conference topics.
    • Two-round reviewing procedures will be conducted after successful submission. Only those manuscripts that passed the preliminary reviewing procedure will auto-commit to further reviewing procedure.
    • The papers will be assigned to Technical Committee members within that area of specialization. Each reviewer is assigned approximately 5 papers.
    • Technical Committee members will typically turn in reviews by the deadline.
    • Once the final decisions have been made, the PEET conference secretary will send the notification letter as well as review comments for reference.